I have a problem. A problem which has been around for over 1.5 years (!!!). I CAN'T pay with PayPal on eBay. Up until 2 weeks ago this problem only existed on the German eBay site (ebay.de). The solution was - even though tedious and time consuming - very simple: I logged in through the Austrian (ebay.at) or British (ebay.co.uk) site and did the payment there.
Lately that doesn't work anymore. Why? Because eBay doesn't get it. The German site was changed a long time ago to a "pop-up" for handling the PayPal login. That looks like this:
Since they did that I can't pay with PayPal. No matter how often I type in my e-mail address and password, I get the error that my credentials were wrong. THEY AREN'T!
The Austrian and British (and French, Spanish and probably a lot more) sites were changed to this login page a short time ago. And behold: it doesn't work there either!
I called eBay and PayPal multiple times because of this problem (at least two times each). PayPal were already AWARE of the problem and they confirmed twice that the problem lies with eBay and that they've already opened a "support ticket" at eBay for this! The eBay support is simply bad. They don't have any information and are trying to tell me to use IE. *sarcastic LOL*
If you're a sysadmin you'll know something about debugging and of course you get curios. What's broken? Why is it broken? Could it be really my browser? The answer for the last one is: NO. It's not my PC or my browser, because I've had this problem with lots of different PC/browser combinations.
Tested by me:
- PC1: Windows 7 with Firefox (ca. all versions from 30.0 to 50.0)
- PC2: Linux Mint with Firefox (also lots of versions)
- PC3: Linux Mint with Google Chrome
Always the same result: HTTP 400 / Bad Request. It looks somewhat like this:
(I'd be happy to forward the complete picture to any eBay or PayPal employee who can help me.)
As you cas see the PayPal login API (https://www.paypal.com/webapps/helios/api/auth/login) returns the error.
In the headers there's even a "Paypal-Debug-Id", which I'm sure would be very helpful in tracking the error. Of course only if somebody from one of these companies would be so kind to analyse the problem.
I even tried to disconnect and reconnect my PayPal and eBay accounts multiple times. Didn't help either.
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