Like I promised: a short summary of Gamescom.
For the visual types - the pictures can be found here:
This year Gamescom was a little bit different like the years before. I was very surprised, that 2K and Bethesda didn't have a booth (2K announced it pretty early, but didn't hear about Bethesda beforehand). Both have games coming up. I was looking forward on seeing - and playing - some of The Evil Within 2. The game should be pretty much completed, since it comes out on Friday the 13th in October, which is less than 2 months from now. They had a presentation in the business area, but unfortunately I couldn't get an appointment...
The other difference was quite a big and positive one: there were no more "cinemas" where they only show you some prerecorded gameplay after 3 hours of waiting. I guess many people complained, that those became very common in the last few years. This way everybody could try out games for themselves, which made for a much better experience.
Sony didn't have any signs of Days Gone or God of War. It was a bit disappointing, since we have seen gameplay footage from both and I hoped to play those sequences. But everything was forgiven, because Detroit: Become Human had a playable demo. It was the same level, as previously seen in trailers (the hostage situation in the apartment), but it was so much better "living" it. I really felt bad at the end!
If you followed my Twitter feed you saw that I could play basically every game I had my eyes on (except the ones not present at Gamescom). For completeness' sake, here's my list which is now fully updated:
There was also another surprise: since there were no more cinemas, most publishers apparently had enough space to put up enough stations. This way everybody could play with really short waiting times. For Assassin's Creed: Origins Ubisoft prepared about 70 or 80 PCs and even though the line was longer than ever, it was moving forward pretty fast. I never expected to get in under 1 hour on a Thursday. Destiny 2 for PC was similar. The line went around the booth once, but it took only 1 hour until you could play (which is pretty good for Gamescom). Unfortunately this wasn't the case for all booths. Call of Duty: WW II's line was over 3 hours and if you wanted to get in the PSVR truck without an appointment, you could look for as long as a 4 hour wait!
That's it. Short and sweet. For more information check out my Twitter (@DMc00L or to the right in the sidebar). And don't forget to check out the pictures (link above)!
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