Please, can anybody explain to me what is happening in the world of cryptocurrency? I've had about 25.000 DOGE coins since almost the beginning (I mined them myself in 2014), but they never really were worth anything. Mostly the price hovered around $2 for 25.000 DOGE. Sometimes, just out of curiosity I looked up the price, but as you can see from this chart, nothing really happened in the last 2+ years: Until a few months ago. I read somewhere about Bitcoin soaring above the $2000 mark and decided to look up my cryptocurrency again. And to my surprise the 25.000 DOGE were suddenly worth about $40. What the F? 2 days later I checked again. Now they were worth $75. Double the price almost over night! A day later $80. But it was not only DOGE. All kinds of cryptocurrency - most of which I've never heard about - increased in their value. Double, triple, some even ten fold. All in the last 2 or 3 months. Currently we seem to be over the hill, the prices a...
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