Okay, this one's not related to gaming in any way, but I felt like sharing, so here it goes! I was shopping on Friday so I don't have to starve on the weekend (my fridge was basically empty). I usually buy cheap frozen pizzas, because I really like them. While was standing in front of the cheap part of the freezer isle a bro and his girlfriend came into the isle. The guy stopped at the normal priced stuff (like Dr. Oetker and Wagner) and just said: "Mhmh... BBQ chicken." He was real enthusiastic, you could almost see his mouth watering. He really wanted that BBQ chicken frozen pizza. But in a split second his girlfriend reacted. She told him "No" and pulled him away. This is when our eyes met. We both know what we were thinking. Bro got robbed of his BBQ chicken pizza. It was a real bro-to-bro moment. You could feel his pain, like his eyes were saying: "Damn, only vegetables for me." So guess who's eating BBQ chicken pizza righ...
Just another blog about gaming, random things and stuff that pisses me off.