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Showing posts from June, 2017

Nintendo: Hey, listen!

This is a plea for Nintendo, I hope that somebody there will read it. A few days ago you announced the next "Mini" console in your attempt to make even more money of some 25+ year old games, released for the hundredth time. Please. Stop. Or at the very least change your business practices. I hope that I speak for a majority in the gaming community, when I say that we've just about had enough of yet another Nintendo console (or accessory...) which won't be available at launch because you simply can't (or won't?) make enough. We've had enough of the scalpers who pre-order all stock before we even get a chance to look the device up. Enough of the scalpers who then continue to sell those consoles on eBay for double or triple the price. Isn't it bad for your business? Let's talk about a hypothetical scenario: you could sell 1 million of the SNES Mini. But you produce only 500k. That makes 500k of your potential fans/customers angry, because...

E3 2017 Press Conferences, Part 3

Well, I'm a day late, so sue me. Nah, just kidding. Please don't sue me. I watched the Ubisoft press conference yesterday, but then I took a break from all these announcements and watched Sony and Nintendo only today. Here is the finish! A big WTF ran across my face at the very beginning of the Ubisoft presentation and I'm sure I wasn't the only one feeling like that. The announcement of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle took me completely by surprise. Eh, what the hell. I'm gonna skip it just like I skipped almost every Mario game. Next! The Crew 2 looked pretty nifty, adding water and air vehicles to the mix, but since it's basically multiplayer-only I'm gonna skip this one too. Now there was something I definitely will be checking out: Transference . A VR thriller. The cinematic trailer looked promising, hopefully the game will deliver! Far Cry 5 wasn't really a surprise, since there was already a trailer out, but the gameplay demo was...

E3 2017 Press Conferences, Part 2

Got to watch 2 more press conferences today, so let's jump right in! Bethesda got a lot of hate because of Creators Club and re-releasing Skyrim again instead of a new TES game, so I started watching the show with a little bias. Well, I was surprised. Positively. I think the show was pretty great. Short: yes. But did it need to be longer? Drawn out like the others? No. Since I don't have any interest in the world of Elder Scrolls (be it Skyrim, TES: Online or that card game) I focused on their other stuff. And for an FPS lover there was some awesome stuff in there! Let's start with probably the biggest of them all: DOOM VFR . ALL CAPS. HELL YES! I'm a proud owner of a PSVR so I can't wait to get my hands on this one. Like the guy in the animation sad: "Doom, so hot right now!". At least Bethesda know their memes. But what does VFR mean? Is it "Virtual Fucking Reality" as most people theorize? I need confirmation! After that came a...

E3 2017 Press Conferences, Part 1

Since I live in Europe, watching the E3 press conferences live is almost an impossibility. Staying up late wouldn't be so much of a problem, but having to get up early next day for my 9-to-5 job makes it very hard. That's why I've been watching the recordings on YouTube. This also has a nice side effect: I can simply skip games which don't interest me. Let's jump right in! I'm watching them in order, as they happened, beginning with EA . Thanks to the fast-forward feature I could basically skip about half of the 3-hour long press conference and "after show". I have zero interest in Fifa and Madden (which made up a sizeable chunk) and I also couldn't care less for Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield . Yes, you can all hate me now, I simply don't like either of those franchises. That was another hour which I could skip, because the live gameplay of both games was FREAKIN' LONG. The rest boiled down to Need for Speed: Pay...